What to visit / Science trails / Women Scientists Trail

Women scientists Trail

Barcelona has always been a city open to science and technological innovations. Its proximity to the sea has made it easy to trade with other cultures and develop its own identity, characterised by creativity and entrepreneurship. In this context, the city's women scientists were able to give free rein to their creativity and make great discoveries. Our themed trails through Barcelona explore the story of the leading women scientists and their relationship with the city.

Science wouldn't have gone so far without the research and contributions of Barcelona's women scientists. However, they didn't always receive the recognition they deserved. In spite of their remarkable professional careers, the women scientists of the day were often relegated to the background due to the circumstances and conventions of the time.

If you're looking for alternative places to visit in Barcelona and you like science tourism, this cultural trail is for you. Discover the story of the women scientists who are connected in some way with the city, as well as their specialist areas and the institutions and places that played a key role in the development of their careers.

On this recommended tourist trail through Barcelona, we seek to pay tribute to all those incredible women who revolutionised the world of science from the shadows. Because if we tell their story, they will never be forgotten.

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